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When will you get more of a specific item?

We do our absolute best to keep items in stock as much as possible, but sometimes there is simply no way of predicting when an item will go out of stock. As a result we've added some helpful information on each product to give you an idea of when it's coming back in stock. This information is updated daily, and is our best guess. Sometimes a product will get here sooner than the expected time, and sometimes later. We do our best to monitor these situations, and update the information accordingly. Below are some of the messages you may see on our site:

  • Out of Stock (with no time estimate)
    • This product has recently went out of stock. It usually means we are trying to locate more of this item to get it back in stock. On these items, we do not have any particular timeline available. 
  • Arriving Soon!
    • This means that we expected the product to be here already, but there must have been some sort of delay. We typically do not have any further timeline on these items. When we get an update on these, we will make that information public and update this message accordingly.
  • Arriving within ## days
    • If a product is saying it will be in within a certain amount of days, this is the most updated timeline we have. Sometimes it's hard to predict these timelines, so please be aware that some items may get here sooner or later than this estimate.
  • Arriving in 3+ months
    • This means that the product is on its way, but is currently being manufactured. Typically these items are seasonal or imported, which takes a long time for them to reach our warehouse. Estimating the exact date on these is near impossible at times, which is why we cut it off at 3+ months.